So sorry for the long pause between posts, past few weeks have been yet again busy with work and family! All is well though, been going strong with the garden. I spent a lot of time over the weekend clearing out weeds from both the front and back yards and started moving some perennials around. Some excitement during the week included receiving my Top Hat blueberry plants, I potted them up right away and they are currently in quarantine outside on my deck. I don't really plan on bringing them inside but just in case it gets cold I might have to. Below are some shots of the backyard raised beds. I finally got around to building my pea trellis and they appear to be doing well.
Top Hat Blueberries
Rainbow Lights Swiss Chard
The 4x4 raised bed with broccoli (2), kale (2), two rows of peas (early & mid season), pak choi, onions, and garlic
From the other side, the onions have really started to take off! No sign of the garlic though.
Perennial bed: Boyne and Heritage raspberries, red currant bush, rhubarb, and strawberries
Unknown squash seeds given to me by a friend.
My potato experiment with some russian blue potatoes, I'm planting these in big tubs that I will use to "hill" up the spuds.
Here they are chitting away.
Here are some of the tomatoes and the borage which is getting big!
Recently transplanted basil and flowers
The tomato shelf!
The first harvest of the season, a fist full of kale!
The result went well with some leftover chicken and brown rice, yum!